Power of Content Curation
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onto Power of Content Curation
September 27, 2014 9:35 AM

Creation vs. Curation: Do You Need to Make or Moderate? - Relevance

Creation vs. Curation: Do You Need to Make or Moderate? - Relevance | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it
The Content Marketing Institute reported that 90 percent of organizations are marketing with content. And now, Forrester predicts that enterprise content volume is growing at a rate of 200 percent annually. It’s safe to say that most companies are embarking on or are deep into a content marketing initiative.

If your company is just leaping into the mix or is experienced in content marketing, there’s a good chance that you are still grappling with the challenge of figuring out how much content is needed and finding the balance between content creation and curation. Do you need to make or moderate your content?

The solution is not a one size fits all, but it is almost always a hybrid solution with a varying percentage of original versus third-party content, and the formula is based on the type of company, goals of the content initiative, and how much content is already out there.

Right now, companies are generally practicing a ratio of 65 percent created and about 35 percent curated. While that may be the average, that may not be the right balance for every company. We’ve found that 40 percent original, 30 percent licensed curated content, and 30 percent UGC or employee created content. But the needs for every brand is different.
Drew Hodges's curator insight, February 26, 2015 1:06 PM

This article is talking about how a business should decide whether to curate information or create it. They explain creation simply as make the information that is unique and making it public. There are a couple of options for curation however. A business can curate third party information or businesses can outsource their curation to a trusted third party.  

As a student when they talk about curation, I think about sharing a post on Facebook or copy and pasting a link and posting it. However it is more  in depth than that. As technology is improving at an almost exponential  rate every year, more and more businesses are coming into the market and fulfilling a niche that has never been seen before. This can be seen with businesses who's sole purpose is to curate information for other businesses.