Power of Content Curation
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onto Power of Content Curation
February 13, 2015 8:26 PM

Content Curation Strategies #contentcuration

Content Curation Strategies #contentcuration | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it
Curating content is one of the ways you can easily sustain your content marketing activities. It involves sorting through existing relevant content on the web about a specific topic, and then organizing and packaging the information for its intended audiences. It’s more than simply collecting links, though.

It also involves annotating the found content and determining how this ought to be packaged and delivered to the public. This is pretty much how a museum curator curates works of art to include in an exhibition, hence the term.

Content curation is in itself a science that calls for skill in spotting and organizing information, and also an art that relies heavily on the intuition of the curator. Here are a few tips on how to curate content for your blog and online marketing initiatives.
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