Power of Content Curation
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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com from MarketingHits
onto Power of Content Curation
September 27, 2014 12:41 PM

The 3 Dimensions of Content Creation

The 3 Dimensions of Content Creation | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it
There’s so much content being produced on the web right now that I’m truly having a difficult time finding articles of value – albeit through search, social or promotion. I am shocked at how shallow many of the content marketing strategies are on corporate sites. Some just had recent news and press releases about the company, others have an array of lists, others have feature releases about their products, and others only had heavy thought leadership content.

While much of the content is well-produced, it’s often uni-dimensional. In other words, the same messaging focused on the same type of visitor with the same medium… in every piece of content. In my opinion, there are multiple dimensions to a balanced content strategy.
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