Power of Content Curation
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onto Power of Content Curation
October 28, 2012 9:58 AM

Social Content Curation: An Introductory Guide for Teachers and Students

Social Content Curation: An Introductory Guide for Teachers and Students | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it

Robin Good: "7 Things You Should Know About Social Content Curation" is a technology brief from Educause which aims to introduce, explain and illustrate the emerging social curation trend and why it is relevant to teaching and learning.

From the official abstract: "An emerging class of online tools, including Pinterest, Scoop.it, EduClipper, and others, allows users to quickly and easily gather, organize, and share collections of online resources, particularly visual content.

These applications make it easy to collect and post disparate bits of content, providing visual groupings at a glance that can reveal important patterns.

In academic settings, they can facilitate more visual thinking and discussion among students while providing a means to share collections of online content."

Informative. Good introductory text. 7/10

ePUB: http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/epub/ELI7089.epub

PDF: http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7089.pdf

Via Robin Good
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