Power of Content Curation
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Scooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
onto Power of Content Curation
October 28, 2012 12:41 PM

Using Your Company Blog And Social Media To Drive More Leads

Using Your Company Blog And Social Media To Drive More Leads | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it

Marketing is about facilitating more closed business, and ultimately grow the company. When asked, most midsized and B2B companies will tell you that they are “doing content marketing.”

However, often when you look at their social channels and company blog the content they create seems highly unlikely to help increase demand generation.

The reason that the majority of marketing content is an #Epicfail can be explained by the lack of vision and imagination that too many marketing professionals and their empty suit senior managers sadly share.

But I hear you there saying, “What the heck? My team and I are smarter than the average bear, what can we do to give us the edge of our competition? I am glad you asked.

To get the answers from two well respected pros I spoke to Alex Conroy and Bill Grunau of Esotech. They are both digital marketing experts who work with midsized and B2B companies.

Bill says the key is to keep the content focus on solving your customer’s problem. Customer’s don’t care about your product. They care about how they can make more money, do their job better, or grow their business.

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