Power of Content Curation
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May 4, 2013 10:51 AM

The State of Flipboard and Rise of Mobile Curation [INFOGRAPHIC]

The State of Flipboard and Rise of Mobile Curation [INFOGRAPHIC] | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it

Flipboard is a personal magazine made up of the things you care about most. Recently, it surpassed 50 million readers and released a new feature that allows users to create their own magazines. Readers can now collect and curate the web pages they like into these magazines on Flipboard.


Since the new edition of Flipboard was announced several weeks ago, an additional 3 million readers have joined (for a total of 53 million currently). Also, more than 500,000 magazines have been created since too, given this great new way to curate content for mobile devices. In fact, there are over 6 billion pages flipped per month! More than 50% of Flipboard 2.0 users are reading magazines every day. 9am is the top time of the day for reading, while 7pm is the peak time for sharing. Some of the most popular magazines by publishers include The Esquire Interviews (by Esquire), Prefab Perfection (by Dwell), Women We Love (by Esquire), and The Beatles (by Rolling Stone). Using Flipboard is a truly an amazing experience and the site could be looking at exponential growth in the years to come as mobile devices completely take over!

Via Jeff Domansky, massimo facchinetti, Tomas Jansma | FlexMind
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, April 14, 2013 1:53 PM

The awesome Flipboard app is showcased in this infographic.

AdriM's curator insight, May 14, 2013 11:36 AM

Another great way to find curated information.

Constance Jones Collier's curator insight, July 17, 2013 8:51 PM

compelling reason to for content curation it brands you .