Power of Content Curation
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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com from Lean content marketing
onto Power of Content Curation
September 28, 2013 9:17 AM

50 Stats You Need to Know About Content Marketing

The 50 most important content marketing statistics that will help you prove the value of content and keep you accountable. To see a full list of the sources ple

Via Ally Greer
Neil Ferree's curator insight, October 3, 2013 10:10 AM

How to Build a Content Marketing System so you can curate and syndicate (share) your creative content to your social connections.

David Lawyer's curator insight, October 20, 2013 9:21 PM

Great facts to help solidify the position that content marketing is now and will be tomorrow, CRITICAL to the success of a businesses marketing campaign.

Dan Aldridge's curator insight, November 4, 2013 6:18 PM

Wow. 90% of what the brain receives is visual. Should be a leg up for scoopit.com!