Power of Content Curation
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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com from MarketingHits
onto Power of Content Curation
January 26, 2014 4:19 PM

Content Curation: Learn Content Curation From Great Curators via @Curatti_

Content Curation: Learn Content Curation From Great Curators via @Curatti_ | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it

Best way to learn content curation is from cuators such as Jan Gordon, Brian Yanish, Robin Good, Ana-Cristina Pratas, Cendrine Marrouat & Scoopit team.

Marty Note
This post is about five lessons learned from favorite Scoopiters such as

@Guillaume Decugis   @Ally Greer

@Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com

@ janlgordon

@Robin Good& @Ana Cristina Pratas

@Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.com

Tips include:

* Gamify.
* Customization of social nets and tools.
* Pulling value out of social nets and tools.

* Curating what you love.
* Curating across the tapestry of tools we must use as content curators.

@Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com

@Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
Olivier Milo's curator insight, January 21, 2014 12:23 AM

Love these tips by @Guillaume Decugis@Ally Greer, @Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com, @ janlgordon, @Robin Good, @Ana Cristina Pratas@Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.com.

malek's curator insight, January 21, 2014 8:02 AM

Some of the best tips you'll find around

Carlos Polaino Jiménez's curator insight, February 1, 2014 7:05 AM

Nunca viene mal compartir conocimientos de expertos. Evitemos el "nadie aprende en cabeza ajena"