Power of Content Curation
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onto Power of Content Curation
February 23, 2014 10:36 AM

How to Speed Up Your Content Curation Process

How to Speed Up Your Content Curation Process | Power of Content Curation | Scoop.it

Do you want to share helpful content, but don’t know where to find it?

Are you looking for tools to speed up your content curation process?

In this article I’ll show you how to find and share relevant contentin a snap.

Why Content Curation?

If you want to be the go-to expert in your niche, you need to provide more value than the other guys. Content curation—sharing relevant articles from several sources—is an important way to provide that value to your clients, fans and readers.

Modern marketing has changed significantly. It’s less about promotion and more about helping your ideal clients make informed decisions. Buyers expect to be fed relevant and helpful information.

Good content curation pinpoints potential clients’ needs, wants, desires and problems, then offers answers and solutionsSharing other people’s content is a great way to quicklybecome the recognized expert in your field.

It can take a lot of time to find and evaluate content that’s good enough to share. What if you could save that time and use it to be more productive? Keep reading because I’m going to show you my favorite content curation tools—Feedly and If This Then That (IFTTT)—and explain how to use them together to make content curation much easier.

Heather Koroll's curator insight, February 26, 2014 8:12 PM

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